Collected another 4 million cans of soft drinks thanks to vending machines in Singapore after 1 year of launch.

Over 4 million plastic drink bottles and aluminum drink cans have been collected through 50 Smart Reverse Vending Machines in Singapore since the launch of the Recycle N Save initiative in October 2019. Recycle Depots are present in communities and schools through the Recycle N Save School Education Program, collecting around 200 containers per day. This is four times more than F&N Foods’ initial test in 2018, where only three Recycle Depots collected over 55,000 containers in a year.

Recycle N Save rewards users for recycling at smart Recycle Depots. Rewards include NTUC FairPrice coupons or four non-monetary options sponsored by CapitaLand, Sport Singapore, Sentosa Development Corporation, and Anywheel. Users can also choose not to receive any rewards. NTUC coupons remain the most popular choice, but users increasingly choose non-monetary rewards or no rewards at all. Since June 2020, collection rates at 50 Recycle Depots have steadily increased.
For example, the average collection rate for multi-reward Recycle Depots increased 2.6x over the 4 months from July 2020 to October 2020. This compares to a 1.6x increase compared to the same period for Recycle Depot one-time rewards NTUC FairPrice coupons. About one in five Recycle Depot Multi Rewards users have chosen not to receive any rewards for recycling their beverage containers. These findings show that users are more environmentally aware and recycling habits are starting to form among community members.

Besides, the School Education program was introduced in March 2020, to inculcate the habit of recycling from an early age. Five reward-free Recycle Depot machines were placed at five elementary and middle schools through the end of the school year in November 2020. Even though schools were closed during Circuit Breaker, more than 20,000 beverage containers were collected during the first run of the program. To attract attention and form proper recycling habits for students, schools also organize environmental education activities such as poster design and video-making projects.
The second tranche of the School Education Program will run from January 4, 2021, to May 28, 2021, for the new group of five primary and secondary schools. Likewise, these schools will organize their environmental education activities to complement the placement of these Recycle Depots.

As part of the government’s ongoing efforts to manage packaging waste, the Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) will be introduced for drinks containers in the coming years, as the first phase of the Responsibility Framework. extended producer responsibility (EPR). Based on DRS implementations in other countries, the use of Recycle Depot has proven to be one of the effective collection methods. Therefore, NEA will build an EPR framework based on experiences from the Recycle N Save initiative to develop DRS for Singapore.

NEA will continue to work with partners and stakeholders to build a 3R (reduce, recycle, reuse) culture in Singapore, to become a Zero Waste Nation. Everyone has an important role to play in sustainable consumption and 3R practices to ensure Singapore’s waste and resource management is carried out sustainably.
