Recycling plastic helps reduce the amount of plastic waste being produced and consumed, thereby reducing emissions and environmental pollution. This contributes positively to our Net Zero target.

So what is Net Zero?

The term Net Zero means achieving a balance between carbon released into the atmosphere and carbon removed from the atmosphere.

Net zero is a concept that involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity to the lowest possible level, and offsetting the remainder by absorbing or removing emissions from the air. This is an important goal to respond to climate change and protect the environment.

To achieve Net Zero, emissions from homes, transport, agriculture and industry need to be cut. In other words, these industries will have to reduce the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere. But in some sectors, like aviation, it would be too complicated or expensive to completely cut emissions.

One of the biggest sources of environmental pollution is plastic waste, especially disposable plastic. According to the World Bank, Vietnam is one of the top five ocean plastic polluters in the world, with about 3.1 million tons of plastic waste discharged on land annually1. More than 60% of plastic waste is single-use plastic. To reduce plastic pollution and move towards net zero, Vietnam needs to apply effective waste management measures, including collection, recycling, reuse and treatment.

Some ways to recycle plastic waste that can be applied in Vietnam are:

1. Use advanced technologies to convert plastic waste into biofuel, electricity or higher value products.

2. Encourage the use of recycled or biological plastics to produce new products, reduce the amount of new plastic needed and reduce the amount of waste generated.

3. Cooperate with businesses and social organizations to collect and recycle plastic waste from different sources, creating a source of income for workers and communities.

4. Enhance awareness and responsibility of consumers and businesses in reducing the use and recycling of plastic waste, through communication, education and promotion campaigns.

And with the Recycle Depot solution, Alta Plastics promises to contribute to the green world with modern recycling technology, contributing to recycling and protecting the environment effectively.